Monday, March 30

Surrealistic Theme

For my surreal photo-montage I am going to use one of my friends faces for a self-portrait and make her face black and white and i'm going to cover her face with a puzzle film and then i'm going to leave her eyes colored and lips colored.

Friday, March 27

Surrealist Artist Inspirations

Max Ernst was born on April 2, 1891 in Bruhl, Germany. He attended the University of Bonn in 1914 to study philosophy but never finished his degree. While out of school Ernst began to study predominately painting, seditious philosophers and unorthodox poetry. He than became interested in psychology and the art of the mentally ill. When WW1 came out Ernst was put into the German army and served in the artillery division, where he experienced traumatic experiences of the trench warfare. Ernst is one of many artist who came back from the military service emotionally wounded.

Erik Johansson was born in 1985 in Gotene, Sweden. He had grew up on a farm with his parents and two younger sisters. Johansson loved to draw for as long as he could remember, most likely because his grandmother was a painter. In his early teenage years he got interested in computers and at the age of 15 he got his first digital camera which opened a new world. In 2005 he moved to Gothenburg to study computer engineering at Chalmers University of Technology.He then mixed his love for photography and computers who is now known for blending reality without photo shop.

Artist Name: Max Ernst

Title: Murdering Airplane

Date: 1920

Description: Human arms and flying over a field, In the low right corner you see two soldiers that are carrying a third wounded solider.

Analysis: I think the meaning of  this photo is to show how a plane which is a type of machine can have human characteristics. The painting itself gives off a dark and mysterious feeling.

Interpretation: I think Ernst interpretations of his piece was to show how WWI effected him emotionally threw this piece of artwork.

Judgement: My opinion of this artwork is that because Ernst was in WWI so this image shows how leaving the war left him emotionally wise.

go your own road

Artist Name:Erik Johansson

Title: Go Your Own Road


Description: Erik Johansson in this image is creating his own road/path.

Analysis: The way I viewed this image was that he was creating his own road/path which is a positive thing because he isn't following what everyone else is doing. The picture gives off a positive feeling because it had natural lighting and and has a nice scenery to look off into.

Interpretation: I think Johansson's message threw his art work was to inform people that it is okay to make your own road and to not follow others just because society is telling you its the right thing to do/be.

Judgement: I think this image is extremely creative. The road he is making is very detailed with the wrinkles as if he were actually pulling and creating his own road to whatever/wherever he wants to be.

Thursday, March 19

David Hockney Inspired Collage

I choose my friend Katie to be my model. I took 7 pictures of her and then decided to crop the original pictures and place them on top. I think the project would have came out better if I had taken more pictures.

I went to the park to these pictures. I took about 24 pictures and fliped some pictures horizontally.  I think the project came out okay.

Rookie Filter Camera Photo Editor

Rookie Filter Camera Photo Editor
The “Rookie Filter Camera Photo Editor” is an app that allows you to take a HD picture and add a filter and many more. The different types of editing on this app differ from texture and filters to adding a text to any photo. The app also comes with a 3 second timer, anti-shake, leveler and more.

 Some negative things about the app are that it is free so ad’s pop on the screen and send you into the app store. Also, the camera takes about 3/4 second to actually take the picture after you press the button. The app description says that the camera is HD but it seems to take the same quality picture that comes with my IPhone.

Rookie Filter Camera Photo Editor
IPhone Camera


The filters are nothing special they are very similar to the ones on Instagram even the ones that come with an IPhone. You have to have patience because the app works so slowly.  I wouldn't recommend using this app as a second camera.

Wednesday, March 11

Partner Portrait

Artist Statement : This is an image using photo shop. My model Monica is falling off a cliff. I think it is okay, I could have made Monica darker to fit in with the background. I also could have added more objects/people in the picture because it is kind of bland. But over-all I think it is an alright photo.